Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Changing Your Legal Documents to Reflect Your Sex: Part 5 of 5

Part 5 of 5: Obtaining a New Massachusetts Driver's License.

For a relatively nominal fee of $15.00, an individual can request that the Registry of Motor Vehicles issue a new driver's license which reflects their appropriate name and sex designation. It should be noted that an individual need not change his or her name in order to change their sex designation.

Name: The applicant must go in person to the local Registry of Motor Vehicles to request a change of name on their license (a list of local Registry branches can be found here). The applicant must present the clerk with (a) old license, (b) paperwork certifying your new name, and (c) the new name, as found on the individuals social security card.

Sex Designation: In order for an individual to change the sex designation on his or her license, he or she must provide the following (a) a notarized physician's statement indicating completion of sex reassignment surgery, (b) paperwork certifying your new name, and (c) an amended birth certificate.

It might be helpful to review the Massachusetts RMV's Application for Change of Information prior to going into your local branch. For additional help, information and support, visit the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition website.

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